Free time is nice time.

Nick @MSGhero

Age 31, Male

Somewhere in the North

Joined on 12/15/10

Exp Points:
2,860 / 3,210
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.85 votes
Police Sergeant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11y 10m 20d

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Too Many Games near Philly was my 1st con, 1st real NG meetup, and 3rd time meeting at least one longtime NG friend. I was a bit worried that I drove 3 hours to hang out with a bunch of stinky 12 year olds, but no one stank (from NG) and the 12 yos had summer camp and couldn't come.


Some standout moments for me:

  • I saw a buttcrack in the first 30 seconds (non-NG) and thought it would be frequent, but that was the only one
  • Everyone sketching in each other's sketchbooks was so precious, especially at the beginning
  • Talking with @IvanAlmighty about hydration and carbonating water
  • @emizip's Ena cosplay and waving hi to me while I was zoned out wandering the expo
  • @moawling's handheld microcontroller portfolio and adorable business cards
  • @NinjaMuffin99 being like 10" taller than I had in mind (@austineast you were discussed!)
  • Also when he said he learned from me when he was 16 and is 23 now made my bone density decrease
  • @Squidly gathering the Flixel-ers to gang up on me for not using it anymore
  • @Hibachi and @PKettles with the cleanest art you ever seen
  • @RavioliBox's sketchbook with the black pages
  • I've been amazed by @TomFulp's AS2 workflow for over a decade, so same thing but in person this time
  • A random NG user recognizing my larger collabs is normal. NG Snowboarding, sure @NeatoNG. But Date A Monkey???? @MrShoeShine7
  • @MindChamber has a MindChamber jacket
  • An interesting proposal from @NattoSumi...
  • @vividlance gave me a NEMGROUNDS bracelet jkjkjk
  • @Bill go to New Orleans except not during the summer
  • @Imprez and also Ivan talking about finding programmers/learning programming for big art collabs
  • Talking mobile with @Luis and wanting a shorter turnaround project next
  • @Chourios pronouncing "Chourios" ("it's like Cheerios with a U")
  • @Tamag0 saying "but with a 0 at the end!"
  • @D-slick N O L A
  • @MysteriousMantis and I gently trying to make everyone leave the expo to get food
  • @Kastozx's "K" looked like "CL" so it took me like 5 tries to find their account
  • @BrandyBuizel having exactly the markers needed to draw Lucky
  • @SrPelo buying "Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show" for PSP


  1. We need to do nametags sooner in the event, and I need to take more pics of them
  2. I need to make a new Ren'py so y'all can finally have medals in your VNs
  3. We should make some kind of art collab code template or something, idk
  4. @Sabtastic you might be the last "old" person I haven't met yet 👵
  5. I have to make a sequel to Date A Monkey



Recent Game Medals

7,545 Points

Subspace Silver 10 Points

View all enemies and bosses

Subspace Bronze 5 Points

Enter the subspace

Featured Creatures 10 Points

Inspect every test tube.

Welcome to the Lab! 5 Points

Open the game.

B RANK 10 Points

Believable Commander

Ouch! 10 Points

Take Damage

The Doktor is Here 10 Points

Treat Your First Patient

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Boomshakalaka! 10 Points

Perform a SUPER dunk

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